Philippe JAMET is an Engineer graduated from the Ecole des Mines de Paris. He also holds a Master of Science from the University of Minnesota (United States).
From 1974 to 1993, Philippe JAMET performed safety research within the CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission) in structural mechanics, thermal behavior of structures and thermo-hydraulics.
From 1993 to 2007, he worked at the IRSN (Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety) where he occupied various positions. In 1995, he was appointed Head of the Safety Assessment Department, where he was responsible for the safety assessment of all the French nuclear facilities. In 2003, he became Deputy Director-General of the Institute.
From 2007 to 2010, he was Director of the Division of Nuclear Installation Safety at the IAEA.
He was appointed Commissioner of the ASN (Nuclear safety Authority) by presidential decree on 15 December 2010. His mandate ended on 14 December 2016, according to the French Law.
Philippe JAMET is a member of the INSAG (International Nuclear Safety Group of the IAEA). He is also a private consultant in several activities aimed at promoting nuclear safety.


09.20 - 09.50
Arena Hall