
The Future of Nuclear Energy


<p>In a session moderated by Mr. Hamad Al Kaabi, the World Government Summit welcomed Yukiya Amano, the director general of IAEA, and Philippe Jamet, the former commissioner of the French Nuclear Safety Authority. This session covered the future of nuclear energy, the main challenges facing countries that are willing to develop nuclear technology and the prospects of nuclear energy of facing climate change. </p> <p>The future of nuclear energy, as Amano reported, will witness a significant increase of the implementation of nuclear energy by 2030. Increase estimates as given by IAEA, are between 2% and 60%. With 440 operating nuclear reactors producing 11% of world electricity, 60 new reactors are under construction, including 4 in the UAE. 30 new countries are also planning to implement nuclear technology.</p> <p>Investing in nuclear energy technology does not come without serious challenges. Among these challenges are the safety and security, social acceptance, financing, and capacity building. Amano added that emergency preparedness in many sectors is a must for countries seeking to develop national nuclear programs. However, solutions are not thought out; there must be new solutions to the issue of nuclear waste. Geological disposal is one solution used efficiently for high-level waste. Amano warned about the security behind these technologies, saying that efforts must be exerted to prevent the falling of nuclear material in terrorist hands. Jamet confirmed nuclear security fears by saying that in all nuclear accidents there has been no warning and that more improvement is needed.</p> <p>The cooperation between the IAEA and the United Arab Emirates is successfully booming. Amano stated that IAEA is training specialized professionals in UAE as well as holding cooperation programs between the agency and Khalifa University. In the end, he thanked the UAE for hosting a nuclear conference on a ministerial level last October.</p>


Mr. Philippe Jamet
Mr. Philippe Jamet
Former Commissioner
Mr. Yukiya Amano
Mr. Yukiya Amano
Director General - International Atomic Energy Agency
Arena Hall
February 14, 2017 - 09:20 - 09:50
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