
International relations to change as countries are forced to look inward

13 February 2017

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The nature of world relations was bound to go into reverse, as technocratic multi-lateral institutions have started failing at solving the world’s problems, according to Dr George Friedman, geopolitical forecaster, who was speaking during Day Two of the World Government Summit 2017.

The nature of world relations was bound to go into reverse, as technocratic multi-lateral institutions have started failing at solving the world’s problems, according to Dr George Friedman, geopolitical forecaster, who was speaking during Day Two of the World Government Summit 2017.

“The last 70 years were good times, but what was true back then is no longer true today," he said. "Over the next 100 years we’re likely to see a world more like the 18th century than the 20th century, as nationalism and self-defence has slowly been emerging.

“This doesn’t mean that trade, or alliances, won’t take place, relationships will exist but won’t be hard wired, nor necessarily permanent."