
Sustainable Policies for Climate Action in the Middle East: Reaching Net Zero Targets

Sustainable Policies
Sustainable Policies
  • Challenges and Opportunities

  • Policy Actions to Reduce Emissions

  • Principles and Guidelines for Implementing Policy Actions

The world must act immediately to avoid the worst impacts of irreversible climate change and environmental catastrophe.

To prevent the worst effects of climate change, we need to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius1. This means cutting global emissions by 7% each year until 2023.

To achieve this, we must close the gap between the emissions expected as per current trends and the targeted levels needed to achieve a sustainable future.

Closing the Gap in the Cyber Skills Domain

The modern world is being shaped by extraordinary technological transitions and digital innovation. This remarkable pace of change is being fueled in part through rapid expansion and exponential growth of the digital space.

The Future of Wellbeing

In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that around one in eight people globally were living with a mental disorder. Positive mental health is vital to individual and public health, and society in general.

Global Economic Diversification Index 2023

Report equips policy makers around the world with a robust method to assess progress towards economic diversification, and identify areas for policy reform and interventions.