"String theorist and author of The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene is one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists and a brilliant, entertaining communicator of cutting-edge scientific concepts. The Washington Post described him as “the single best explainer of abstruse concepts in the world today.”
Greene’s national bestseller, The Elegant Universe, which recounts the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics, transformed our understanding of the universe and introduced string theory, a concept that might be the key to a unified theory of the universe. The book sold over a million copies and became an Emmy and Peabody Award-winning NOVA special that Greene hosted.
His second book, The Fabric of the Cosmos, spent six months on The New York Times Best Sellers list and was adapted into a NOVA miniseries on PBS. Greene's latest bestseller, The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, was published in January 2011.
His illustrated novella, Icarus at the Edge of Time, retells the Greek myth in a futuristic light. Greene and David Henry Hwang adapted the story to be a film and symphonic performance in collaboration with composer Philip Glass; the world debut was in the spring of 2010.
In 2015, Greene's original play, Light Falls: Space Time and an Obsession of Einstein, premiered at the World Science Festival in New York City. Light Falls is now available as an audiobook starring Greene, Paul Rudd, and a score by Jeff Beal. 
Brian Greene co-founded The World Science Festival in 2008, a week-long extravaganza. As the WSF Chairman, Green made it the Festival’s mission to take science out of the laboratory, making the esoteric understandable and the familiar fascinating to the general public. In 2014 Greene and the World Science Festival launched World Science U, a series of free online courses led by Greene.
A Harvard graduate and a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, Greene is a professor of Physics and Mathematics at Columbia University."