Luis Mella Gajardo is Mayor of Quillota, in the Republic of Chile. In May 2011, he launched a campaign to collect signatures in favor of the return of the passenger train to Quillota, and managed to collect approximately 40,000 signatures, which he submitted to the Minister of Transport. Subsequently, and taking advantage of a visit by Chile’s President to Quillota, he personally and publicly reiterated the request. The decision has not yet been approved to date.
In October 2012, Gajardo is reelected for Mayor for the 2012-2016 period; with 69.65 percent of the votes.
In September 2014, he organizes the First Meeting of Happiness and Healthy Relationships, Municipalities, in partnership with the Institute of Social Welfare.
In May 2015, he receives an award from the Piensa Foundation for being the best evaluated politician in the Region.
In December 2015, he receives national recognition from the Institute of Occupational Safety, IST, in recognition of its local management in generating actions that seek to achieve care and happiness for the community.
In March 2016, he was chosen by the OECD and the Ford Foundation, as one of the 40 ""Champions Mayors for Inclusive Growth"" in New York, United States.


04.35 - 05.00
Al Safinah Ballroom Theatre