José Graziano da Silva has worked on issues of food security, rural development and agriculture for over 30 years. Graziano da Silva of Brazil was elected Director-General of FAO by the Organization’s Conference of Member nations on 26 June 2011. After his first term from 1 January 2012 to 31 July 2015, Graziano da Silva was re-elected for a second 4 year-term (1 August 2015 to 31 July 2019) with the votes of 177 countries during FAO's 39th Conference. Since assuming his mandate as FAO Director-General in 2012, he has spearheaded major transformational changes within the Organization. These reforms have entailed refocusing FAO’s work, reinforcing its institutional capacities, strengthening partnerships with civil society, private sector and academia and boosting FAO's support for South-South Cooperation. His efforts have resulted in best value for money for the Organization and its partners. In 2001 he led the team that designed Brazil’s "Zero Hunger" (Fome Zero) programme. In 2003, he was charged with its implementation by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva who named him Special Minister of Food Security and the Fight against Hunger.


09.30 - 10.00
Arena Hall
The effects of climate change are real and will impact the way we produce and consume food. To sustain access to food in the future, we will need to make big changes now. In this session, leaders explore these impacts and the changes that we need to make.