
Wake Up Call: Wisdom in the 21st Century


<p>In this session, Dr. Joel Levey and Dr. Michelle Levey, from Wisdom at Work, tackled the importance of wisdom in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, the reception to wisdom awareness, gratitude and positive connection to ourselves and our surroundings in order to achieve stronger collective wisdom for a better life.</p> <p>Dr. Joel began with mentioning the three core elements of life which are attendance, intention and attitude; furthermore, she added that the best way to do so is to be aware of our surroundings and our bodies with a positive attitude towards life experiences.</p> <p>The speakers then resorted to interactive focus groups, explaining the significance of showing sympathy and compassion for others, as humans have more things in common with each other than they know. Another important practice to achieve wisdom is mediation and deep breathing in order to release stress. In addition, people should aim at inspiring and reaching out to each other to forge stronger connections among each other with a positive mindset.</p> <p>Moreover, Dr. Michelle described the scientific bases behind our ability to communicate to raise the level of awareness that leads us to a deeper collective wisdom. This leads to a better life and better access to available resources. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Finally, the speakers encouraged the audience to adopt an attitude of gratitude, openness, compassion and awareness. "Don't go back to sleep," they concluded. &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;

Dubai Municipality Hall
February 14, 2017 - 08:00 - 08:45
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