
Wake Up Call: The Universal Language We All Speak


<p>In an inspirational session, Mr. Eric Standop, face reading professional, trainer and advisor, addressed the World Government Summit talking about face reading skills, how they work, their various benefits and ways of usage. He explained that 300 years ago, humans used face language to communicate before the invention of languages. Useful as spoken languages might be, they may be considered a barrier due to their differences. On the other hand, face language is universal as everyone has 43 facial muscles connected to the nervous system and working with the exact same mechanism. In addition, body language may have proved beneficial at some point; nevertheless, everyone knows about it nowadays and can be easily faked.</p> <p>Mr. Eric stated that we all perform face reading to an extent, but might call it intuition or life experience. Eyes and mouth are the most important features in our face as they are connected to the brain, reflecting all that happens therein. For that reason, 85% of people meeting prefer to have eye contact, 10% would go for looking at the mouth while 5% would look somewhere else. He said, &ldquo;It goes that eyes are the window of the heart and soul, but I claim they are a window of the brain as well&rdquo;. Eye pupils can be very telling; small pupils might reflect sharp thinking, while big pupils tell much about a dreaming personality or status.</p> <p>Furthermore, face reading can say much about one&rsquo;s health, nutritional habits, talents, life style, course of thinking and feelings. This is extremely useful for police investigations, companies&rsquo; negotiations and even peace talks among countries. He stressed that governments should start using that important tool more often as it should yield great results. He concluded the session saying that we all should be expressive, show feelings and expose what is in our hearts because &ldquo;if you focus on hiding yourself, then you are not yourself anymore&rdquo;.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Mr. Eric Standop
Mr. Eric Standop
Face Reader - Founder
February 13, 2017 - 08:00 - 08:45
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