
The Next 100 Years: Exploring Scenarios for Government


<p>Dr. George Friedman, geopolitical forecaster, discussed the expected scenarios in the next 100 years and how governments around the world can benefit from them. Today, the world is facing a rapid change in geographical borders and an increase in the needs of communities.<br /> <br /> At first, he stated that the wars witnessed from 1914 to 1945 led to the creation of multinational organizations. He stressed the urgent need for more controlled nationalism to avoid the risk of hindering prosperity and mentioned that these organizations led to the rise of technocrats who got the right to rule and manage politics. Their only advantage was that they actually did a good job. However, he highlighted that these organizations could not be efficient enough to stop the war between Russia and Georgia nor to bring a solution to the collapse of Lehman Brothers.&nbsp;</p> <p>For another thing, he emphasized the division seen today between countries that are paying the price of international policies and those that are, in fact, benefitting from them. He illustrated his idea with the example of how Japan has the 3<sup>rd</sup> largest economy in the world and has, in parallel, managed to maintain a stable society.</p> <p>When came the time to think about what would happen 100 years from now, he underlined the importance of thinking about a community that binds us together through language, religion, and history. He added that trade and alliances will continue to constitute a central objective for governments.</p> <p>In conclusion, he explained that the world we live in is not going to change. Wars will always exist and there will always be nations stronger than others. The world has faced many challenges over the last 70 years, but this is all done and it is time to move on.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Dr. George Friedman
Dr. George Friedman
Geopolitical Forecaster
February 13, 2017 - 10:55 - 11:20
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