
One on One with Reid Hoffman


<p>In a session moderated by Mr. John Defterios, CNN; Reid Hoffman, Founder &amp; Executive Chairman of Linkedin, presented the experience of the Silicon Valley, its distinguishing features, and how it can be used to create similar successful models. They further discussed the culture of celebrating failure and learning from it, the importance of networking, and how to bridge the gap in performance between governments and technological platforms.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>At the outset, Hoffman described the culture prevailing in the Silicon Valley, how they &ldquo;celebrate failure&rdquo; and consider it the &ldquo;path to learn&rdquo;. The idea behind this is that those who have taken intelligent risk, identified, controlled and measured it, and finally decide on when to stop and how to learn from it are the best to engage in future business endeavors. He said that &ldquo;every good strategy has a margin of risk&rdquo; or else it would not yield great results. Nevertheless, good ideas are not enough; they have to be coupled with dense marketing network, which enables a business to find talents, customers, investors and financing.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The speaker provided some recommendations to governments to empower businesses and establish incubators&rsquo; platform similar to the Silicon Valley. He encouraged governments to take intelligent risks, provide companies with the required networking and financing to scale up from start-ups to large businesses, facilitate discovery of co-partners and talents, and then connect them to entrepreneurs who will help realize their goal. In conclusion, he pointed out that at the core of every business lies a mission, and his is to &ldquo;help humanity as a whole to scale up and help individuals find a better path&rdquo;.</p>


Arena Hall
February 14, 2017 - 12:30 - 13:00
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