
Global Platform: Innovation and the future of governmance in collaboration with OECD


The OECD Secretary General launched this global platform during the WGS2016. The OECD is currently working with MBRCGI to develop a report on current status of innovation around the world. &nbsp;This report will be discussed in the second meeting of the global platform and will be launched at WGS2017<br /> <br /> What are the latest developments in public sector innovation, and how can governments set themselves up for success in transforming their operations to better meet their missions and improve citizens&rsquo; lives in new ways? The Global Platform &ldquo;Governance of the Future&rdquo; will feature a panel of senior government innovators discussing how to enable success factors and overcome challenges to unlock innovation. The discussion is informed by the key trends, challenges, and opportunities that have been identified in the OECD&rsquo;s report, Embracing Innovation in Government: Global Trends, which will be launched at the beginning of the session.&nbsp;


Mr. Rolf Alter
Mr. Rolf Alter
Mina A'Salam Theatre
February 12, 2017 - 10:30 - 11:30
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