
Main Address


<p>Dr. Jim Yong Kim, President of The World Bank in the main address focused on combating the Syrian refugee crisis, emphasizing the significance of educational reform. </p> <p>Firstly, Dr. Kim mentioned an initiative that has progressed and has globalized since last year, regarding the refugee crisis that directly afflicted Jordan and Lebanon by initiating $400 million assistance from nine leading countries to middle-income countries that host refugees. He said that crises do not end there because other countries require urgent intervention like Sudan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Libya.</p> <p>H.E. said being an innovative country requires translating government policy by using marketing to tap into innovative sectors and channel unique investments. Society benefits from public goods that governments provide; most developed countries are the ones that leverage technology, embracing it to progress. </p> <p>In regards to progress, Dr. Kim focused on education. Governments ensure education; the public and private sector must work together to advance education. Sustainable development goals are the responsibility of both the public and private sectors. In recent history, access to education and enrollment have increased, and the gender gap has narrowed. Secondary enrollment has also increased. International educational reports show that, in the Arab region, females outperform males in school, yet only account for 21% of the workforce. </p> <p>The educational systems must adapt; Dr. Kim listed three must dos: invest heavily in early childhood development, rethink what and how we teach and fill the skills gap needed for the job market. Research has shown that the early years of childhood have a great influence on adulthood. 25% of the children in the world are deprived of early childhood education, and Dr. Kim believes that this is the source of a global problem. Amending what is taught and how it is taught is important. Teaching more than the basic skills will assist in advancing cognitive and critical thinking skills in children. Improving relevance of education to fill the deficit of the demands of the job market. In other words, the skills taught mismatch what is needed to fill the job market; amending it would directly fill the needs of the market. Dr. Kim citied a successful example of the implementation of the desired job market skills in the education curriculum. </p> <p>Finally, Dr. Kim launched the Platform for Education, which will focus on five points to progress the education systems. The platform will ensure the transformation of education internationally.&nbsp;</p>


Dr. Jim Kim
Dr. Jim Kim
President of The World Bank
Arena Hall
February 13, 2017 - 12:15 - 12:30
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