
Main Address of the Guest Country


<p>&ldquo;The government must dismantle barriers that interfere with innovations.&rdquo; </p> <p>His Excellency Kentaro Sonoura, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Japan, started the session by asking, &ldquo;what is the most important role of a government?&rdquo; H.E. Sonoura added that the main focus in Japan is on the educational system, explaining that the Japanese system is a unique one. It has an ultimate motive, namely reinforcing traditional values which are deeply rooted in the Japanese society and teaching students the values and ethics on a regular basis, which are essential building blocks for science and technology. He pinpointed that the role of governments is to get prepared for the future by investing in education and innovation, focusing on the importance of joint responsibility of governments. Such responsibility requires sharing knowledge, expertise and cooperation, and applying the principles of justice and equal opportunities, protection of the environment and instilling noble values in order to create generations well acquainted with the importance of respect, ethics and hard work. H.E. also emphasized the importance of creating an environment that fosters the spirit of innovation and creativity, stimulates curiosity and passion for exploration, and encourages research and study in various fields of science. This system and spirit yielded sixteen Nobel Prize winners from Japan in various fields of science.</p> <p>He asserted that governments should invest in human resources and the future of nations by promoting education and innovation. In the same vein, it is also crucially paramount to provide educational opportunities for all students by establishing an all-inclusive system.</p>


Mr. Kentaro Sonoura
Mr. Kentaro Sonoura
State Minister for Foreign Affairs
Arena Hall
February 12, 2017 - 16:10 - 16:20
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