
Main Address


<p>The 9th Secretary-General of the United Nations <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B3nio_Guterres" title="António Guterres">Ant&oacute;nio Guterres</a>, in the &ldquo;Main Address&rdquo; tackled issues currently plaguing the world stage. His address focused on the current refugee crisis, globalization, lack of trust between all parties and necessary UN reforms to heal these ailments.</p> <p>The Secretary-General remarked that the world currently has an appalling lack of trust between people, government establishments, countries and global multilateral governance institutions. The lack of trust is a result of globalization, and technological developments. Globalization has had a positive impact such as a reduction of world poverty but however left whole groups of people behind, who feel that their political establishments have failed them. This leads to an increase in Islamophobia, xenophobia and so on. Similarly, youth who are the future of mankind are suffering from severe problems such as high unemployment rates regardless of their education level. The lack of trust general populations feel towards their governments is because of their inability to solve problems in society by working together efficiently. The Secretary General cites the modern day example of the Syrian refugee crisis that was understood as if it was an invasion of Europe because governments could not coordinate how to deal with the refugee influx.</p> <p>In conclusion, the Secretary-General mentioned solutions to solve the current global trust issue that is plaguing people and governments. Firstly, the UN peace and security institutions need to strike a balance between the funding allocated for peace and security, along with sustainability and inclusive development. Secondly, the UN needs to become more decentralized with more simplified procedures. Thirdly, the UN system and the accountability needs to be refined to ensure that all UN organizations work together to support governments. &nbsp;The Secretary General ended his address by saying, &ldquo;I am not optimistic, I am not pessimistic, I am just determined.&rdquo;</p>

Arena Hall
February 13, 2017 - 12:00 - 12:15
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