
Advanced Skills: Learning Beyond Boundaries


The speaker will shed light on the importance of small data, where an increased focus on big data has diminished the importance of individualization in education systems & labor markets globally. This talk from the Director of Harvard’s Lab for the Science of Individuality will address the importance of recognizing individual skills to unleash full human potential – moving away from what can be averaged.


H.E. Dr. Ahmad Bin Belhoul
H.E. Dr. Ahmad Bin Belhoul
Cabinet Member and Minister of State for Higher Education and Advanced Skills
H.E. Haifa Najjar
H.E. Haifa Najjar
Senator - Education
H.E. Mary O Connor
H.E. Mary O Connor
Minister of State for Higher Education
John Herlihy
John Herlihy
President of MENA & LATAM
AD Fund Hall
February 11, 2019 - 13:30 - 14:30
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