
WGS Members
Community Portal

The World Government Summit's Members Community Portal allows you to engage with other community members, thought leaders, experts and decision makers from around the world on addressing key issues, explore emerging trends, and identifying opportunities that serve global economic development and prosperity. The portal provides invaluable opportunities for direct, year-round access to key government stakeholders, policymakers and innovators from over 140 countries.

If you’re already an existing member, please submit an inquiry on our Contact Us page to activate your account.

WGS Events
Community Portal

The World Government Summit's Events Community Portal grants you access to engage closely with other community members, thought leaders, experts and decision makers from around the world on addressing key issues, explore emerging trends, and identifying opportunities that serve global economic development and prosperity. The portal provides invaluable opportunities for direct, year-round access to key government stakeholders, policymakers, and innovators from over 140 countries.

If you have been invited to one of the Summit’s Events, click on the following button to start using the portal.